Saturday, October 13, 2007

Chinese Zombie Pumpkins and House Hunting

So today was an all-around pretty fun day.

I got up earlier than I would have liked to have this morning and took an online exam for my Geography class. That was exciting. I still haven't bought the book for the class yet because . . . . well, I don't really have any legitimate "because," but, regardless of that, it still sucked. In fact, I dare say I would rather a zombie ripped out my throat than have taken that class. But that's just how it goes I guess.

After my test was done, Julie and I mobilized the children to go look at a house in Burlington that may actually possibly be in our range. Its a decent two story, 3 BR, 2.5B, double garage, walk-in closets, nice basement, new carpet, etc. It seems to be a pretty nice neighborhood despite the fact that Andy sort of lives around there (j/k) and it should suit us nicely if everything goes off without a hitch, so for the immediate future the London trip is done-in, and we're trying to move forward on this whole "home ownership" thing.

After the house hunting, we all went to a really nice little place called Kinman Farm, where we partook of a pumpkin patch and petting zoo. Sadie got a big kick out of the pumpkins and seemed to like the animals (though not as much.) They had two wallabies, some rabbits, sheep, goats, llamas, pigs, ponies and donkies, along with a corn maze / tractor ride that we opted not to go through. For anyone interested, they're located out US18 about 3 miles past Burlington. The petting zoo is free and the pumpkins are cheap, but the corn maze is $6 per head.

After the petting zoo, we went out to the farm to take care of the horses while my in-laws are on vacation and after we let Sadie play at Barnes & Noble with the trains and stuffed animals and then we feasted Chinese Buffet-style.

Julie and I watched 28 Weeks Later tonight and I was actually pretty pleased with it. I would consider it to be good horror in general, though not a particularly good zombie movie. It really was to 28 Days Later what Aliens was to Alien. But that having been said, I wouldn't let it detract you from watching it, especially if you saw and enjoyed 28 Days Later. It's different enough from the first one to be a completely new experience and well worth the rental (though don't set your expectations too high! If I'd have paid to see it in the theater, I would probably be telling you that it wasn't worth it!)

Now I'm sitting here typing this for you. So, there you have it. Chinese zombie pumpkins and house hunting.


Anonymous said...

That is really exciting about the house...but I can't believe you are giving up the London trip, and you were so excited!! I thought you were all signed up for the class and ready to go - that is a bummer. I am sorry to hear you will be missing it.

Tracy Phillips said...

congrats with the house! Hope it all falls into place nicely. You know what else is nice? Not being at work today!!!

Andy said...

Well, I guess it's time to move....