Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Officially the Dumbest Quote of the Election So Far:

"I say a lot of things -- millions of words a day -- so if I misspoke, that was just a misstatement." - Hilary Clinton

This was her response when asked about the conflict between her account of her arrival in Bosnia in the mid-90s with pictures taken from the same time. She may have been lying.

Why is this dumb?

First of all, there're only about 85,000 seconds in a day, so for Ms. Clinton to have said even 1 million words in a day would mean that she would have to speak 11.5 words every second of that day. I think that that estimate could be a little high . . . even for a campaigning politician.

Second, "so if I misspoke, that was just a misstatement" . . . was she trying just to create noise? What the hell kind of response is that? I would also point out here that, according to the OED, though the definitions of misspeak and missstatement are similar, they aren't identical. In fact, to misspeak has clear connotations of intent while a misstatement is usually defined as a true accident. Now, I'm not saying Ms. Clinton is using the fine lexigraphical line between these two words to hide behind, but I am saying that the overall statement is ironic in that context.

So, her response doesn't refute the charge that she was inflating the dangers she met when landing in Bosnia, but rather she simply says that because she SAYS so many things every day, anything she says that is INACCURATE is just a misstatement.

This quote illustrates why there is so much wrong with so many things in America.

Original article can be found here: CNN.com - Clinton says she 'misspoke' about sniper fire


Margo said...

This was a great article, I thoroughly enjoyed what you wrote. Aren't the Clintons always using different wording to try to get out of something?? You gotta love politicians!!

Tracy Phillips said...

I just LOVE election season. Starts earleir and earlier every time...kinda like Christmas. It's fun to watch people make asses out of themselves wether you like them or not, lol.