Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap Day!

I love Leap Year and - by extension - Leap Day, because . . . well . . . obviously because it only happens every 4 years. But, and I know I'm being a little wistful here, isn't it sort of like a Free Day too? Vaguely out of the greater flow of time somehow? It feels like it is . . .

I've always thought there was something special about Leap Day in a magically scientific sort of way. I understand the science behind it, but it always still feels like that explanation is a little overly tidy - a little made-up somehow.

I personally think that Leap Day should be a real modern day Bacchanal. Or maybe some sort of fertility festival. A holiday to actually celebrate and embrace the idea that Leap Day is special. I say we strip it of it's February 29th label and just call it Leap Day, make it a holiday from work and school and keep it as far removed from any religious or social trappings as possible.

It could just be a pass day. A day where you can do what you want however you want with as much eccentricity as possible and without fear of repercussions. One day where you had the freedom to not be yourself and for one twinkling gem of a moment be whoever or however you would RATHER be.

Imagine how liberating it would be to have one day every four years of renewal. I'm not saying that people would say "Oh, I'm not paying my bills anymore after today." or things like that. No, that'd be incorrect because I'm only arguing for one day without consequences not passing on the consequences of your life. But couldn't we call it "Turn Yourself Around Day" maybe or "Outside Yourself Day" or something like that. Just one day where you could say the things that you're normally not prone to saying or do the things that you're normally not prone to do because that's not "how you are."


Margo said...

I agree...leap year is great, wouldn't it be fun to have your birthday on that day? Once every 4 years you would have to have a REALLY big party!!!

Tracy Phillips said...

Ill be a Viking opera singer, full headress and all....but only if you promise to be Batman. I would accept Bruce Wayne too. Or, Bruce Banner for that matter. Jason smash?