Tuesday, January 22, 2008




It's difficult not breathing for the last hour of the movie, but once you get used to it it actually adds to the movie I think.

Seriously, go watch it in the theater. Don't wait for DVD.

Its a big, noisy, messy movie, but despite the hand-held video gimmick that never gets on your nerves too badly.

And when the helicopter goes down . . . Oh my god. Just . . . oh . . my . . god.


Tracy Phillips said...

I cant wait to see it. Its on my list of priorities.

Margo said...

I have never even heard of this movie!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Tracy Phillips said...

uh - who is Mr/Ms Anonymous? If the blogs are so horrible, why did you read so many?

Jason rules asshole.

I wonder if it's the Green Eyed Monster?

Anonymous said...

Yes it is the green eye monster dumbass!

Tracy Phillips said...

Green-eyed monster




Green is a colour associated with sickness, possibly because people's skin takes on a slightly yellow/green tinge when they are seriously ill. Green is also the colour of many unripe foods that cause stomach pains.

The phrase was used by, and possibly coined by, Shakespeare to denote jealousy, in The Merchant of Venice, 1600:

How all the other passions fleet to air,
As doubtful thoughts, and rash-embraced despair,
And shuddering fear, and green-eyed jealousy! O love,
Be moderate; allay thy ecstasy,
In measure rein thy joy; scant this excess.
I feel too much thy blessing: make it less,
For fear I surfeit.

In Othello, Shakespeare also alludes to cats as green-eyed monsters in the way that they play with mice before killing them.

O, beware, my lord, of jealousy;
It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock
The meat it feeds on; that cuckold lives in bliss
Who, certain of his fate, loves not his wronger;
But, O, what damned minutes tells he o'er
Who dotes, yet doubts, suspects, yet strongly loves!

Anonymous said...

I dony envy dumbass's, I just get a kick out of pissing people off. H ave I done my job or what.......

Tracy Phillips said...

With that comment not only are you a moron, but you may very well be their leader. ;)

I dont get mad. Wastes too much energy. Go get laid dude, you'll be much happier.

Jason Ellis said...

I'm not sure who anonymous is, but I like their style. The way you used all those f's over on your first post shows real panache. And all the neat-o symbols show that you have real mastery over your shift keys. I'm impressed.

Actually, I'm only joking with you, Anony. I like you.

Shoot me an email, if you like.

Egregious said...

What makes u assume I'm A dude? I get laid everynight! As for u not getting mad it seems like u are a very pissed person after reading some of ur blogs maybe u should take ur on advice and get laid.

Jason Ellis said...

Oh my gosh, Regis. You've got me on your feed? That's pretty hardcore for someone who seems to be so passionately anti-me. . . .

Egregious said...

Regis, I'm not some old guy that over stays their welcome!

Jason Ellis said...


Are you implying that I've overstayed my welcome somehow or just commenting that you're not regis?

First of all, let's go back. NO ONE gets laid every night. It's not even healthy and then there's the chafing to worry about. It's just not cool.

And second, I'm pretty sure you're a girl.

And third, I appreciate your patronage on my blog. I like your name by the way. Did you know it's one of my favorite words?

Egregious said...

Okay Dr.phil, Sex is a stress reliever and it is very healthy to get atleast one nut a day!

Jason Ellis said...

I'm gonna guess you're Andy though you could be Holly or Debbie. I'm sticking with Andy on this one though because Holly or Debbie wouldn't know how to start up an email or google account.

Egregious said...

wrong guess again!

Jason Ellis said...

why guess again?

Egregious said...

Whats wrong, can't handle freedom of speech?

Jason Ellis said...

Yes, comment screening has temporarily been enabled while I screen a foul mouthed observer.

Regis, I'll unscreen you when you start speaking without the foul language. The only person who curses on this site is me and it'll continue to stay that way.

Though honestly, I'd love to be able to uncensor you. I don't mind trolls. Nice pic btw.

Jason Ellis said...

and I can handle freedom of speech just fine. You have a right to say whatever you want. But you don't have a right to say it WHEREever you want. This is my playground. You're just a tourist.

Egregious said...

What do u think ur president?

Jason Ellis said...

No, I think I am god.

Egregious said...

HA HA Nope ur a jackass!

Jason Ellis said...

and yet, I've neutered you. You can only say what I let you say now, which, personally, I think is sorta neat.

Egregious said...

It doesn't bother me the only person I wanted to read this is u and now I have ur full attention!

Egregious said...

U should thank me, I have added entertainment to ur lifeless blog!

Jason Ellis said...

You're right. You do have my attention. Not my FULL attention, but yes, you do have my attention.

And despite the trolling, I really won't universally ban you from this site, because you are at least in some ways quick witted. You just need to be muzzled some. . .

Jason Ellis said...

I do thank you for adding some entertainment here. Until you showed up, I was only looking at it once a week.

You've nearly inspired me to really start blogging again!

Egregious said...

Only nearly inspired what do I need to do to fully inspire u, and try not to whine and complain in future blogs. It's not very attractive

Jason Ellis said...

Use better punctuation.

Comment less often but with better quality.

State your name for the record.

Curse on here less.

Whiney? Well, yeah. That's what blogs are for. But the first entry to commented on was the cloverfield entry, I think, and I wasn't whining there. . . .

Egregious said...

My name is Kelly!
Fuck Punctaction!
Damn did again
I'm Not a grammer whore.
The first one I posted on was u whining about christmas gifts. It's not what the gift is, it's the thought that matters!

Jason Ellis said...

To the extent which you can possibly know me, you are correct. Yes, it is the thought that matters. I agree. But that wasn't my point.

Or maybe it is. I think I'm thinking more in the "it's the thought that matters" spirit more than you are. Most people think that "it's the thought that matters" but i would argue that a gift given without consideration for another person's wants or likes, is only money misspent and thus wasted.

Egregious said...

Well apparentlly they were tring to tell u something with their choice of gifts?

Jason Ellis said...

Yeah, they were telling me that I should be more like them and less like myself. They were telling me that, despite all the things that I'm interested in, since they themselves aren't interested in those things, my interests are meaningless to them.

Is that what you were going for?

Egregious said...

Nope I was thinking maybe their was alot of shit that needed fixig and maybe they were giving u no excuse of not fixing it.

Jason Ellis said...

A safe assumption, but unfortunately not true. My house is new and nothing is broken.

No, "kelly," my original point with that post wasn't critical of the purchasers at all. It was simply a question. My thought was this: since people generally by for others what recipient would like and everyone bought me tools despite the fact that I don't like those things, what does that say about how well the people in my life know me?

It was never intended to be critical of my friends or family and was actually meant more as a question of what it means that no one got me a gift that I actually could enjoy. Looking back on it, what I was really asking is what that says about me as a person. I couldn't care less about the gift. I'm appreciative of the fact that people spent money on me and that they thought to do so to begin with. But I'm disappointed at the fact that the relationships with the people in my life are so (i don't have a word to put here) that they would all give me gifts that are outside my interests.

Does that make sense?

Egregious said...

Maybe they find u to boring to try to get to know u!!!!

Jason Ellis said...

Oh, kelly, i guess that's a possibility.

I'm not a terribly interesting person, but I've never made any claims to be interesting. I only ask that I be left alone to be myself.

Is that any more or less than you yourself would ask?

Tracy Phillips said...

Awww! The green eyed monster mentioned me on his page! Thank you green eyes, I love you too.

By the way, you owe me for the nickname I coined for you. I prefer cash. When and where to meet?