Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Family Addition - Bo

And so, while our house is being moved into still and Quentin is just now consistenly sleeping through the night and I have finals coming up, we have deemed it great and good to purchase a new dog.

Thus, I present to you our new border collie, Bo:


Tracy Phillips said...

What a cutie! Hope you guys had a good thanksgiving.

I hit the black friday sales late (9 am) but was still able to score South Park Seasons 9 and 10 - a buttloat of movies for cheap AND, Super Mario Galaxy.

I could not keep this from Brian. He has been playing it every free second since. I have to admit - Im extremely impressed. I'd have to say it's Nintendo's best Mario game ever.(besides Mario 2)

Anonymous said...

That is about the cutest puppy I have ever seen!! Nope - doesn't sound like you have much going on, why not add to everything!!!!