Friday, October 26, 2007

30 Days of Night - Waltzing in the Dolphin: When MadLibs Go Bad

Because my friend Andy respects my wishes, after watching his copy of 30 Days of Night (he's a movie pirate, "Yarrrr!!") he did NOT give me his thoughts on it. I had asked him not to because I know its a movie that would like to see, but I'm just not interested enough to go to the theater for it or lessen myself by trying to snag an illicit copy.

His solution was a MadLibs version.

The inputs he requested were 8 adjectives (green, witty, odoriforous, aquiline, feminine, rotten, holy, and muscular;) 4 nouns (cardboard box, digit, orphan, and dolphin;) verb ending in -ing (waltzing;) verb NOT ending in -ing (run;) adverb ending in -ly (superfluously;) and a number (1E+10^35.)

I only gave the inputs, but our composite review is recorded below:

From the opening shot, it was clear that this was going to be a green movie. The cardboard box was both witty and odoriferous. I thought the use of aquiline digits throughout the movie was feminine. While Josh Hartnet's organ in 30 Days of Night wasn't his best, it was very rotten. The scene where he was furiously waltzing in the dolphin while the vampires were superfluously chasing him was extremely well done. While the film was holy, I would recommend it to anyone who would like to run a muscular movie. I give it 1E+10^35 out of 10.

This I think is proof that even writing good MadLibs requires some small amount of skill . . .


Andy said...

You know what the weird thing is? This is the EXACT review that I had written before we did the madlibs thing. I'm not sure how it happened, but it did.

Anonymous said...

I am thoroughly confused and intrigued by your combined review.

Jason Ellis said...

That's okay. Even I was confused by it.