Saturday, September 29, 2007

Hard Candy is good for you!

So Hard Candy is one of those movies that I had a knee jerk reaction when I first saw the dvd for it in the store several months ago - the cover looks like a little red riding hood tortue porn - and so I forgot about it until just recently when, while doing some research online into Ellen Page (Kitty Pryde / Shadowcat from X-Men 3,) I saw that she was the main character. I dug into the movie a little deeper, checked some reviews, etc, and found that it was actually not at all like what I had assumed that it was from the cover.

It's great. As in really, really great. Its intense and, while not horror, it'll make you squirm. It's really more of a thriller / suspense / mystery and it's really good. The story is good. The cinematography is excellent. It'll force you to take sides and sympathize with characters and actions that you won't like. It's about pedophilia and revenge and doesn't pull many punches from beginning to end, but if its a thoughtful, well-made film that you're looking for, I highly recommend it.

Here's the trailer:


Anonymous said...

I wasn't able to see the trailor on your page...however you have peaked my curiosity due to your glowing review. I may just have ot check that movie out!!!

Anonymous said...

i saw a preview screening of this movie. it's seriously effed up. kind of good... but seriously effed up.