Sunday, September 23, 2007

Act of Defiant Laziness

So, in an act of defiant laziness, I have done practically nothing today and it was actually rather spectacular. Actually, that's not entirely true. I've been relatively productive today. I've managed to actually take an online class test, do a good bit of dishes and clean most of the house today while still taking care of the kids with Julie at work, but I've managed, since 7 this morning to intersperse that work with 5 hours of "The Closer," 1 hour of "Family Guy: The Star Wars Episode," as well as the entirety of The Lookout.


Anonymous said...

I am are welcome to come clean MY house if you want...heck, I will watch your kids while you do it!!!

Tracy Phillips said...

LOL - Loved the Star Wars episode. If Vader would of been anyone but Stewie, Id of been pissed.

Anywhoo - Congrats on your laziness. Isnt is the Frikkin best??? Screw working on Mondays.

Anonymous said...

I am sooooo angry you aren't at work AGAIN. I am so lonely...and Tracy was gone yesterday - you guys are seriously punishing me!!!!

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.